
Cast Your Vote! – Your favourite of the media art exhibition at Museum Schloss Fechenbach

EN Dieburg, 26 June 2023: Until Saturday, 15 July, 12 noon, you can vote for your favourite piece of theexhibition “Gemeinsam zusammen. – Mediale Berührungspunkte und digitale Erfahrungsfelder”.The exhibits are displayed at Museum Schloss Fechenbach Dieburg, and shows a curated collectionof artworks exploring the intersection of technology, art, and its societal impact. A diverse range Cast Your Vote! – Your favourite of the media art exhibition at Museum Schloss Fechenbach

Dieburg’s Media Art Exhibition’s Vernissage of “Gemeinsam zusammen – Joined Together” with Record Attendance

EN Dieburg, 16 June 2023: With a record attendance of almost 150 visitors, the media art exhibition “Joined Together” opened its doors to the public on Friday, 16 June 2023, at 18:30h.   In and around Museum Schloss Fechenbach twelve media artworks created by newcomers, who are students of Dieburg Media Campus, are accessible to visitors. Dieburg’s Media Art Exhibition’s Vernissage of “Gemeinsam zusammen – Joined Together” with Record Attendance

Gemeinsam zusammen – Joined Together: Dieburg Media Art Exhibition Goes Outdoors 

EN Dieburg, 15 June 2023: On Friday, 16 June 2023, vernissage of the media art exhibition “Joined Together. Media Touch-Points and Digital Fields of Experience” will take place at 18:30h at Museum Schloss Fechenbach, Dieburg. The exhibition is curated and produced by the Master’s program International Media Cultural Work (IMC) at Hochschule Darmstadt. The exhibition Gemeinsam zusammen – Joined Together: Dieburg Media Art Exhibition Goes Outdoors 

Tomorrow I Am Alive / Morgen lebe ich

Tomorrow I’m Alive/ Morgen lebe ich Hörweg mit sieben Stationen rund um das Museum Schloss Fechenbach von Ekaterina Mayskaya Die akustische Mixed Reality-Arbeit dreht sich um die Zerrissenheit einer jungen Frau, die mit ihrem Kind vor dem Krieg aus der Ukraine geflüchtet ist. In sieben Meditationen, denen man von Station zu Station folgen kann, erfahren Tomorrow I Am Alive / Morgen lebe ich

The Bread People/Хлібні люди/Die Brotmenschen

ENGThrough the metaphorical play of objects this stop-motion fi lm tells the story of the“bread family” and depicts the most common situations of the Holodomor, the genocide ofUkrainian peasants in 1932-1933. The film visualizes the concept of trauma passed downfrom generation to generation and serves as a reminder to learn lessons of the past for The Bread People/Хлібні люди/Die Brotmenschen

world-wide whisper/Weltgeflüster

ENGThe project embarks on a journey with a social printer to print fare evasion ticketsor so-called social prints.These tickets are distributed to individuals who have notpurchased a valid license and encounter social print issuers either on or before thetrain.They document experiences of racism, specifically regarding racial profiling, withthe intention of public disclosure through printing. The world-wide whisper/Weltgeflüster

Strangers/Die Fremden

ENStrangers is an interactive game that delves into the issue of online harassment.Throughout the text-based simulation game, players assume the role of a young childand experience conversations with strangers they encounter in the online world. Byhighlighting the prevalence of cybersexual crimes against women, the game aims toraise awareness about these criminal tactics and foster a Strangers/Die Fremden

All aRound the Meme/Rund uMs Meme

ENA meme [mi:m] is usually an image with humorous or socially critical text that spreadsover the Internet. How does the growing meme culture affect our communication? Whatinfluence do memes have on our real lives? DE Ein Meme [mi:m] ist meist ein Bild mit humoristischem oder gesellschaftskritischemText, das sich über das Internet verbreitet. Wie wirkt sich All aRound the Meme/Rund uMs Meme


EN Inspired by a poem by the Russian writer Boris Pasternak, the film sheds light on thesubject of migration. It conveys a first-hand experience of isolation and loneliness thatcan befall people in a foreign environment. DE Inspiriert von einem Gedicht des russischen Schriftstellers Boris Pasternakbeleuchtet der Film das Thema Migration. Er macht hautnah das Gefühl Parting/Abschiednehmen

Phantom Eye

2019 bis 2021 wurden Unruhen in Kolumbien mit massiver Polizeigewaltniedergeschlagen. Dabei verloren viele Demonstranten ihr Sehvermögen. DerFilm zeigt die drastischen Auswirkungen des Verlusts eines der fünf wichtigstenmenschlichen Sinne. EN In 2019-2021, unrest in Colombia was quelled with massive police violence. Manydemonstrators lost their vision. The film shows the drastic effects of this loss.*New Talent Award Phantom Eye